[Kde-l10n-es] Fwd: permission to finish renaming kttsd to kitty

Cristina Yenyxe González García the.blue.valkyrie en gmail.com
Lun Mayo 24 08:44:53 CEST 2010


Este correo es de especial interés para Adrián, por ser el encargado
de kdeaccessibility :-) Se ha renombrado la aplicación kttsd a
"kitty", pero parece que han tenido un conflicto de nombres y no se
debe traducir aún. El nombre final será "Jovie".

De todas formas, no sé si para Jovie seguirán el mismo procedimiento
que con Kitty, pero en lugar de renombrar el archivo .po crearon uno
nuevo con las mismas cadenas (bueno, tiene una más). Lo comento sobre
todo por no tener que traducir exactamente lo mismo de cero pudiendo
hacer copia-pega :-P

Un saludo,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting en kde.org>
Date: 2010/5/23
Subject: Re: permission to finish renaming kttsd to kitty
To: KDE i18n-doc <kde-i18n-doc en kde.org>

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 5:04 AM, Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor en ukr.net> wrote:
> написане Sat, 22 May 2010 13:50:15 +0300, Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting en kde.org>:
>> Hey, A bit ago I started renaming kttsd to kitty, the executable is renamed,
>> as are many of the strings in the app itself, but I missed the foldernames
>> in svn, the service name in the desktop file, and the message catalog also.
>> I wont be renaming libkttsd as it's a library and can't change for binary
>> compatibility.  I'd like to finish the rename, then do the same in the
>> documentation for 4.5, is that acceptable to you dear translators?
>> You do an excellent job btw, I appreciate all you do.
>> thanks,
>> Jeremy
> Hi!
> Thank you for your work on KDE accessibility.
> I think that as there is no hard freeze now it is up to developers to change the names (as it is some kind of typos ;) ).
> Thus, no objections for Ukrainian team.
> BTW http://accessibility.kde.org/developer/kttsd/ refers to DCOP and other KDE 3.5 things. Are there any plans to update this page?
> Thanks in advance,
> Yuri

Hey all, sorry to bother again, but we found Kitty is already taken
(it's a kde podcast downloader or somesuch).  So we brainstormed and
decided the name "Jovie" would be better, and is not used yet.  I got
the name from the movie Elf when naming my daughter 4 years ago...
I'll do the rename shortly and hope you all haven't translated kitty



P.S. Yuri, yes I'll update that site very soon also

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