[Kde-kiosk] Locked down too much

Verner Kjærsgaard vk at os-academy.dk
Sat Aug 18 11:08:16 CEST 2007

Lørdag 18 august 2007 00:09 skrev Paul Dausman:
> I've had an issue kiosk admin tool.  We're new to the tool and quite
> frankly we're not Linux pro's yet either.  Every time that we try to lock
> down our desktop and menus we also lock down the root user.  I'm new to the
> kiosk admin tool, but how do I lock everyone but root down?  We managed to
> remove the parts of the kde menu that Kiosk admin tool was listed under and
> also our command line tool, so at the current moment we're rebuilding the
> machine.  Please help guide me on this next install. we using Suse v10.2.
> Thanks
> Peter
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- in kiosktool, make a profile, call it superusers or whatever.
- let this profile have all rights or so.
- let your superusers be members of this group/profile.

- done.

A trick:

On the server, do

touch /tmp/now

- this leaves a timestamp of now in the file /tmp/now

- change something in KDE either as your self
(look into /home/your-user-name/.kde/share/config/...)

or using kiosktool
(look into /var/lib/kde-profiles/...)

Find what changed by (as root)

cd /var/lib/kde-profiles/

and now...:

find . -newer /tmp/now

This gives you a list of files with a timestamp newer than the time at which 
you did the "touch" command.

Hope this helps :-)

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Verner Kjærsgaard

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