[Kde-kiosk] (no subject)

VANESSE Daniel dvanesse at namsa.nato.int
Wed Jul 19 14:55:39 CEST 2006

We have installed Fedora FC4 and KDE 3.5 on laptops used Europe wide as
dedicated test equipment. In order to prevent the users to use the
laptop for any other purpose, I have heavily customized KDE (no access
to shell, no right-click on the desktop or the task bar, icons locked,
customized menus, no access to Konqueror, etc...). However, I found by
chance that, by right-clicking the Kicker menu icon on the task bar, one
could still access some configuration functions and mess-up the system.
How can I fix that without using Kiosk?

For information: setting the action restriction
"action/kicker_rmb=false" in kdeglobal or kickerrc does not fix the

Many thanks in advance for your advises
Daniel Vanesse
Air Defence Programme
L-8355 Capellen
Tel:  (+352) 3063 6516
Fax: (+352) 3063 4800
dvanesse at namsa.nato.int <mailto:dvanesse at namsa.nato.int> 
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