[Kde-kiosk] global edit of kmenu

Mike Ely mike.ely at phoenix.k12.or.us
Tue Jan 13 00:28:13 CET 2004

I've been banging my head against the wall with this one, and so far 
the help I've had has been toward some rather opaque (and afaik not 
terribly relevant) documents at freedesktop.org.

My simple question is this:  How do I globally set what appears on the 
kmenu?  I've got a template user set, and want to make that user's 
kmenu settings global for all new users.  I've managed to change or 
break the kmenu by messing with some of the following:

Additionally I've been informed that some of what I want to do is in 
applnk/ as well.

<rant>Seems like the configurations for KDE (not just the kmenu - 
reading the kiosk API shows a minimum of 3 locations for each 
application's configuration) are scattered to the four winds.  If this 
were a relational database, it would not be normalized.  I appreciate 
the fact that it isn't, but doesn't it seem fair to sysadmins that 
there should be one solid location that they can rely upon to change a 
kde config?</rant>

That said, KDE continues to be my DE of choice, and I don't see that 
changing anytime soon.

Mike Ely

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