[Kde-kiosk] Konqueror fullscreen question

Martin Schimmels kde-kiosk@mail.kde.org
Fri, 14 Mar 2003 09:01:01 +0100

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Am Donnerstag, 13. M=E4rz 2003 15:19 schrieb Annemieke den Teuling:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a way to start Konqueror in a 'Fullscreen mode". (like
> I've googled along, and tried the konqueror.rc and khtml_browser.rc.
> Found an idea about utilize Konq's DCOP interface, fullscreen action, and
> than for example from another proces or dcop client, but have no idea how
> to use/do that when necesary.
> Any idea's at this list?
> Cheers and thanks in advance,
> Annemieke

Start Konqueror in 'Fullscreen mode' via attached perl-script.


Content-Type: text/x-perl;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="konqFS.pl"

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#### Proc: konqFS.pl
#### Author: Martin Schimmels, z.Zt. SuSE
#### Date: 14.03.2003
#### Beschreibung: holt Dimension des X-Bildschirms, holt zu =F6ffende Seit=
e, startet Konqueror
#### Description: fetches dimension of X, fetches sitename, opens konqueror
system('xdpyinfo | grep dimension > ./xdim.txt');
open(DDAT, "./xdim.txt");
while (<DDAT>) {
	$xwidth =3D substr($_,index($_,':')+1,index($_,'x')-index($_,':')-1);
	$xheight =3D substr($_,index($_,'x')+1,index($_,'p')-index($_,'x')-1);
	$xwidth =3D~ s/ //ig;=20
	$xheight =3D~ s/ //ig;
close DDAT;
system('rm ./xdim.txt');
$x_size =3D $xwidth."x".$xheight."+0+0";

### zu =F6ffnende Datei holen
print "Website to open Konqueror with?\n";
print "(e.g. http://www.suse.de)\n";
$konqDat =3D <STDIN>;
chomp $konqDat;
$cmdZeile =3D "konqueror -geometry ".$x_size." ".$konqDat;

exit 0;