[Kde-kiosk] kdesktopsharing more

Annemieke den Teuling kde-kiosk@mail.kde.org
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 17:26:55 +0200

On Wednesday 23 October 2002 08:11, Martijn Klingens wrote:
> You could maybe backport the patch though. This might be a change that is
> simply not in 3.0.x because it would have been a new feature, but not
> because the architecture doesn't allow it. Mail Tim Jansen about it I'd
> say, he's usually quite responsive to mail.

He did, really fast btw.:)
His answer:
"Yes, it's very simple: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kmail&m=102425220703918&w=2"

My conclusions:
This patch works also for kmail 1.4.2. But there are two things:
- There is no "linklocator.cpp", you need to make the change into the 
- And " (ch=='v' && mText.mid(mPos, 6) == "vnc://") || ", needs to be changed 
into: "   (ch=='v' && aStr.mid(pos, 6) == "vnc://") || "

Thanks and,
"UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
that would also stop you from doing clever things." 
                                                -- Doug Gwyn