[Kde-kiosk] Kickerrc

Christopher Dawkins kde-kiosk@mail.kde.org
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 18:13:48 +0000 (GMT)

I am trying to arrange variable (depending on time and machine number)
lockdown of my classroom thin-client KDE3 terminals. I have been editing
both the personal and the system share/config/kickerrc and share/applnk
areas, with mixed success. Can anyone tell me

a) if there is any up-to-date documentation on the kickerrc file? I think
I have the panel sorted, but can't control the lower part of the K menu.

b) where the default rc files come from? They are not in any skel
directory. Files such as kickerrc and kcharselectappletrc appear
from nowhere into user .kde/share/config directories.

c) the best way to update a user's desktop after inserting a link to
different config files? For example, 'dcop kicker Panel restart'? Or
'dcop kicker kicker "restart()"'?

Christopher Dawkins, Felsted School, Dunmow, Essex  CM6 3JG
01371-822698, mobile 07816 821659    cchd@felsted.essex.sch.uk