[Kamoso] Streaming to an IceCast Server

David Narvaez david.narvaez at computer.org
Fri Sep 9 18:36:17 UTC 2011

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Alex Fiestas <afiestas at kde.org> wrote:
> Right now we're in a middle of porting Kamoso to Camerabin2, can you check if is possible to add streaming capabilities using it?

I don't know :) I knew nothing about GStreamer y'day so I basically
have no idea of what you mean. Do you have any of the Camerabin2 code
checked into the source control? If you don't, then I'd at least like
to see what's the pipeline looking now with Camerabin2 so I can try to
do something similar.

> If needed, we can have two different pipelines, but in that case I'd like to refactor webcamwidget in order to uncouple things enough to enssure the code maintainability.

I also thought we'd only need to add a different sink at the end,
which would simplify pipe building, but it doesn't look like
shout2send admits anything else apart from OGG (which is weird because
I think libshout2 does many other formats) so yes, I think we should
be thinking on refactoring that piece of code if we wish to add
streaming support. Note also that this is only one case of streaming,
and there are other stuff like tcpsinks which could be used for other
streaming services, yet I'd suggest we try one simple case first.

David E. Narváez

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