[Kde-java] Compressed Icons in Java Apps created with juic

Lukas Molzberger lukas.molzberger at ais.fraunhofer.de
Wed Aug 18 13:35:37 CEST 2004

> Could you post the .ui file to make it easier to test out the problem?

Sure, I'll send you the .ui file.

In the meantime I've got yet another problem. Perhaps you know a solution for 
that problem too. The app that I'm writing contains a few operations that may 
take a long time to process and therefore I had to use Java threads to keep 
the ui from blocking. So I have one thread for the ui and one thread for the 
actual processing and I use a working queue to get the commands from the ui 
to the processing thread. So far everything works very well, but what I still 
need is a way to inform the ui that processing has finished and that the ui 
needs to be updated. According to the Qt docs the way to do this is to call

QCustomEvent ce = new QCustomEvent(ClassifierThread.FINISHED_IMPORT_CORPUS);
QApplication.postEvent( qmainwindow, ce );

in the processing thread and to have a method 

   protected void customEvent(QCustomEvent e) {
   		System.exit(0);  // Exit just for testing

as part of the QMainWindow object. The problem is that while 
QApplication.postEvent( qmainwindow, ce ); definitely gets called, the event 
handler customEvent however doesn't get called. Do you have any idea?

Many Thanks

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