[Kde-java] Packaging an application

KJ P kde-java@kde.org
Mon, 01 Apr 2002 14:08:47 +0000

Hello George

Congratulations on your KDEJava application.  A jar file would problably be 
the best way.  If you make it an executable jar file do not forget to 
include the class paths of the qtjava.jar and koala.jar in the jar manifest. 
  That would probably be the best way.  Make sure to provide a readme for 
the library paths as well.



>From: George Russell <george.russell@clara.net>
>Reply-To: kde-java@kde.org
>To: kde-java@kde.org
>Subject: [Kde-java] Packaging an application
>Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 19:57:05 +0000
>How do I conviently package up a KDEJava application for end users?
>Any ideas?
>Does anyone want to test my Etext reader?
>George Russell
>   7:55pm  up 24 days, 20:45,  2 users,  load average: 3.30, 2.17, 1.56
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