[OT] National Level Talent hunt for students with aptitude in Cyber Security

R.Harish Navnit harishnavnit at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 14:59:45 UTC 2017

The Amrita Center for Cybersecurity Systems and Networks
<http://amrita.edu/cyber> is hosting the second edition of Junior InCTF
(InCTFj) - a contest for school students in India to help students to learn
about cyber security.

School students in India are exposed to some amount of programming but not
in the area of cyber security. We wanted Indian school students also to get
exposure and interest in the area of cyber security. Hence this contest for
school students.

The first edition of InCTFj saw about 1000 teams across India taking part
actively. The top 30 teams were invited to a free workshop. It was amazing
for us to see how the school students were able to pick up assembly,
reverse engineering, cryptography, web exploitation and binary exploitaiton

*The format*
A set of challenges (in the area of cryptography, reverse engineering, web,
trivia ) will be released every month on a week end. Every quarter the top
students will be given some prizes such as Raspberry PIs

At the end of the year, the top 50 students will be invited for a free
workshop in Amrita University, Amritapuri campus.

The contest is fully online and students can register via

The facebook page for this event is fb.com/InCTFj  <http://fb.com/InCTFj>

Please help spread the word about this event
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