[KDE-India] Re: unable to create a account in bugzilla.kde.org

Shantanu Tushar Jha jhahoneyk at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 07:10:05 CEST 2011

Hi Shirish,

As it says, please drop an e-mail to sysadmin at kde.org and let them know of
the issue. Thanks :)

2011/4/25 shirish शिरीष <shirishag75 at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
>     Newbie on the list. Please CC me if you are answer as I have
> turned off mail of the list.
> Now for the query. I tried to create an account at bugzilla.kde.org
> (b.k.o.) to submit a bug against a kde-game but I seem to be running
> against some wall. Despite repeated attempts to create an account via
> the web interface http://bugzilla.kde.org/createaccount.cgi where one
> simply gives an e-mail id has not resulted in any mail coming from any
> *@kde.org . I tried to see if there is something in my spam queue but
> unfortunately it isn't.
> This isn't the first time I am/was trying to create an account also. I
> also tried connecting with the mail address given of the maintainer
> given at the same page http://bugzilla.kde.org/createaccount.cgi  but
> have not heard from him.
> So can somebody tell me what should I do ? Am I doing something wrong
> or is the creation account mechanism somehow broken ? I am subscribed
> to quite a few bugzillas so do not understand why this is behaving
> oddly. I have tried almost all mainstream browsers,  Mozilla Firefox,
> Chrome, Midori having the same result.
> Looking forward for help and info.
> --
>           Regards,
>           Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
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Shantanu Tushar    (UTC +0530)
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