[KDE-India] Tutorial, Review - KDE.IN Updates

Prashanth Udupa prashanth.udupa at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 05:49:40 CET 2008

Hi All,

> This might as well be a good start for the year 2008. (No, I'm not about
> to create more redundancy of the same phrase, you have read ### number
> of times. :))

I second that :)

The tutorial on Phonon has been uploaded to the website and is available
> at the following link (Apologies Prashanth; it is appearing on the
> website nearly after two weeks)
> http://www.kde.in/index.php/CompilingPhonon

Thanks. This version of the article looks better than the ODT version. :) I
will link up the techbase.kde.org link to point here instead of the ODT/PDF
file on my website.

I haven't seen any newbie (KDE newbie) post anything to the list.
> FOSS.IN/2007 saw more than 500 registrations for the KDE Project day.
> As a rough estimate, there should have been at-least 10 (no, that's not
> binary :P) newbies, if not more.

The webstats report a lot many more people registered for KDE PD. I am sure
there are more newbies in KDE India now.

Prashanth N Udupa
    EMail:      prashanth.udupa at gmail.com
    Website: http://www.prashanthudupa.com
    LJ: http://prashanthudupa.livejournal.com/
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