[KDE-India] KDE 4.0 Release Schedule

Pradeepto Bhattacharya pradeeptob at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 09:51:03 CET 2007


On 3/22/07, Rajeev J Sebastian <rajeev.sebastian at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> When I saw Pradeep's and Manish's emails this morning, I was

          *cough*Pradeepto*cough* ;)

> pleasantly surprised, as well as quite ashamed at the same time. I
> didn't know that I was subscribed to kde-in mailing list - that was
> surprising. There is no activity on this list - that is shameful.

            Well, its alright. As long as there is *real* activity or
so I believe. I know that there are contributors in this list. You,
Manish, Sharan, Kushal - so fair enough ( that was counting only kde
contributors whom I know, I know that there are many more on this list
- Indlinux, Django, GNOME, localisation etc ). Though more people
surely won't hurt :)

> For a while now, I have been a part of the Pardus community (Pardus is
> a new distro with a new look on things). Its a turkish community, and
> language is difficult to understand. But the language of code, of
> community, is not.

            Yups, I have had the opportunity to talk to some of them
on irc. Seriously helpful community. Cartman pretty much laughs at all
my jokes, so coolness. But really, I was surprised other day when I
was there. Good gang, you have there.

            Coming back to topic, things are changing slowly - very
slowly but they are  so I am happy with it. I am sure we will pick up
speed sooner or later. This year SoC, I see quite a few Indian
candidates applying for KDE project. So people either picked up from
this list or the lugs lists where it was forwarded or maybe from some
other source.

> So, let me add a conclusion to Pradeepto's email on KDE4 ... KDE4 will
> come (maybe soon, maybe later) .... but, *you* can make it a reality;
> *you* decide what goes into KDE.

              Cheers to that! And highfives even! And remind me to buy
you appams when I visit Kerala next time.

> So please do step up and come to #kde-in. KDE waits for you ... or
> maybe, she does not!

               Well, its alright again. I myself have reduced my irc
hours - well atleast on some days.  But as long as it works its
alright. Sometimes irc can be "time and attention sink" - to quote an
ex-core-KDE developers and one of my favourite ones even :)

> PS: Btw, if you do not want to code C++, Python is a perfectly good
> alternative which is easy to learn and apply. AND ... I have it from a
> very good source (Aaron Seigo) that there will be atleast one PyKDE
> app in the default KDE4 distribution. If you want that to be your app,
> it doesnt have to be big or uber-leet. A simple application which
> meets the purpose, a one-week app even, is acceptable.

              Chief KDE Hugger is never wrong :P. No actually you are
right. Taj showed what he could do with PyQt and GfxView at
Foss.in/2006. So +1

> PS: ... and please give Pradeepto some credit. When I go to a
> KDE-related channel and say I am from #kde-in, people seem to know
> what that is, and mentions the good work of KDE-in. It's only because
> of Pradeepto.

                The only *correct* thing about that line is, you got
my name right this time and twice even. Thanks :) . Rest of it, I am
not sure why you said so or why was it necessary.

                And there is a lot to achieve as yet. So good luck.


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