[KDE-India] Compiling and Using Phonon on Linux

Prashanth Udupa prashanth.udupa at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 08:16:06 CET 2007

Hi All,

I am sure all of you have heard of and read about Phonon. This week
Trolltech contributed Phonon backends to KDE; which is great news :).

I wanted to use Phonon with a Qt application so I set out to build
Phonon and GStreamer backend for it on Linux. I thought of creating a
small article about compiling Phonon and using it in the format below

Setting up your computer for compiling Phonon
Compiling Phonon
- Checking out Phonon sources
- Creating phonon.pro for use with QMake
- Compiling Phonon
Compiling the GStreamer backend for Phonon
- Setting up your computer for compiling GStreamer Phonon backend
- Checking out source code of Phonon backends
- Creating gstreamer.pro for use with QMake
- Compiling the GStreamer backend
Preparing a Phonon SDK
Using Phonon to play Audio and Video files
- Simple audio player program
  - Compiling the program
- Simple video player program

Hope you like the article and can make good use of a wonderful technology.

You can download the articles from

I would be glad if someone can help me (or do it themselves) put this
on KDE India Tutorials page. Thanks :)

/ Prashanth

Thanks and Warm Regards,
Prashanth N Udupa
    EMail:      prashanth.udupa at gmail.com
    Website: http://www.prashanthudupa.com
    LJ: http://prashanthudupa.livejournal.com/

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