[KDE-India] new idea, screen reader for KDE desktop

krishnakant Mane researchbase at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 11:51:49 CEST 2006

most important factor,
now since we know that openoffice and things like that can work on
regional languages (can some one give me more info on that).
it will be more effective when we talk about accessibility.
I am  posting a new thread and expect particularly roni, jtd, Dinesh
shah and all other interested to respond.
it will be about a campain to promote linux in the rural areas with
regional language support.
look forward for that email.
mean while, I will like to know as to how much development has taken
place in festival voice synthesizer in regional languages.

if a substantially good work has been done, then we may as well take
this a point while making k desktop accessible.
thanking all.
there are some members who send me personal messages on this list.
of no one cared to respond on this I am doing it.
please semd me private messages off the list.

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