[KDE-India] [OT] The Microsoft-Novell agreement

USM Bish bish at airtelbroadband.in
Tue Nov 28 15:42:34 CET 2006

Folks of FOSS,

For  long, Microsoft  has  been claiming  that  it has  patent
rights to  some of  the technology in  Linux, although  it has
never said exactly what those  rights might be or what patents
are involved.

Recently, Microsoft signed a deal  with Novell (who did a take
over of  SuSE two years ago),  in which Novell paid  it a lump
sum in  return for  a guarantee that  Microsoft would  not sue
Novell's  clients for  what it  calls a "violation of  its own
patents in the Linux program". More details here:


Bruce  Perens, (the  creator of  Electric Fence  and Busybox),
has  put up  a  protest against  this Microsoft-Novell  Patent
Agreement,  which needs  full support  of the  FOSS community.
Have a look  at the link below. If convinced,  you may like to
add to the signature campaign.



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