[KDE-India] odd kde-config behavior

USM Bish bish at airtelbroadband.in
Wed Dec 6 15:37:23 CET 2006

On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 01:37:38PM +0530, subbukk wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 December 2006 20:51, USM Bish wrote:
> > bish:~$ kde-config --path config
> > /home/bish/.kde/share/config/:/opt/kde-3.5.5/share/config/
> >
> Thank  you  for  investigating  it.  /opt/kde-3.5.5  looks 
> like a  global config  It can  be obtained  by "kde-config 
> --expandvars --install config". 

Subbu, it _IS_ the global config at /opt/kde-3.5.5 ...

bish:~$ kde-config --expandvars --install config
bish:~$ ls -al /opt/kde
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 9 2006-10-22 23:07 /opt/kde -> kde-3.5.5

> It can be different across distros. 

Yes, it would  vary between distros since  most distros follow
their own policies on what goes  where. Mine is a LFS box with
everything compiled  from developer tarballs, so  all policies
are my own.  I run KDE from /opt/kde. The  soft link technique
of the  $KDE_PREFIX is an old  hat, used by many  to build and
run multiple versions concurrently where switching from one to
another  just means  a change  of the  symlink. I  was running
3.5.2 till Oct.

In your case,  the issue  may be with the kubuntu variant that
you are using.

> What happens when you create KDE profiles ? Here is a simple 
> procedure (as root) :
[ some snipped ]

I made a shell script out of the section that you have posted.
[Thanks for the hint ;-) This the first time I have tried it].
Here is the output, when run with root privileges :

bish:~$ sudo /tmp/subbu.sh
bish:~$ kde-config --path config

IOW, my kde-config output remains constant, only that $HOME is
the essential change,  from one user to another,  for what may
be called the the "personal" config.

Isn't that how things are supposed to be ?


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