[KDE-India] onscreen multilingual keyboard?

Guntupalli Karunakar karunakar at randomink.org
Tue Dec 13 17:55:40 CET 2005

 If any takers for this , a onscreen keyboard for KDE could help
(i am not speaking from accessibility point of view) but more like
useful to type when in different language keyboards. I dont know if
there is any existing one already there (one time googling didnt
throw up any).
So based on language/locale (or current input language/keyb
layout ) the onscreen keyb will take that lang form (ie show layout
for that lang). So a user can either type from keyboard, taking clue
from the onsreen one, or just click on the keyb to type (input would
go to the active window).
 bells & whistles could be - utilise IIIMF/SCIM layouts installed to
show keyb representation of them,  some tutor/lessons to teach one
typing in a language, do some analysis of typing & tell u how
good/bad ur at it....etc.

not to completely reinvent the wheel, code could be learned from
- gok in GNOME,  or 
Devanagari typing tutor -



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