[Kde-imaging] imgur export kipi-plugin (ticket #223893)

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 11:52:04 CET 2010

Hi Marius and welcome.

2010/2/4 Marius O. <marius at habarnam.ro>:
> Hi everyone,
> I just subscribed to this list, and I would be interested in
> developing a plugin for uploading images to imgur.com which  lately
> has become a very popular image hosting site and has a very simple API
> for uploading images.


> I have some basic experience with C++ and Qt, and none whatsoever with
> KDE development. So I would like to ask if there  are any good
> references related to developing such a plugin (for now I am using the
> other export type plugins as model).

Please, checkout current code from svn trunk, and look how facebook or
smug plugin work. flickr is more complex because it provide more

Take a care about actions to provide : upload from computer to web
service, and download from web service to computer. Some plugins has
both options, some others have only the firts one.

We have planed to factorize all web service tools to a common api for
gui, but it's not yet done. Luka Renko, in this room working on.

Jens Muller has recently refactored Picasaweb plugin code to use the
same gui than other web service tool, but code still located in
plugin. Nothing is shared at a comon place (typically in

I recommend you to make a copy of an existing one, and to apply fix to
support this new web service.

Also, to maintain code in svn, i recommend to ask an account as KDE
developer. It's better.

Let's me hear if you need more info.


Gilles Caulier

> Thank you and best regards,
> -Marius
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