[Kde-imaging] New printimages plugin

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Tue Feb 17 17:47:33 CET 2009

Angelo Naselli wrote:
> martedì 17 febbraio 2009 alle 12:45, Angelo Naselli ha scritto:
>>> Should i provide a desktop file only for both?
>> hmm that shows them once, but they are both 
>> enabled or disabled :/
> A little bit of investigation told me it's a desktop
> file problem. if i'm not wrong we have an only file
> for every kipiplugin_xxxx.so file even if it implements
> more actions.
> Since i have two desktop file pointing to the following entry:
> X-KDE-Library=kipiplugin_printimages
> Plugin_PrintImages::setup() is called twice, and that means
> it adds two icons every time.
> To manage this issue i should have or
> - two different libraries kipiplugin_xxxx.so and indeed two plugins iuc
> - one desktop file, two actions that could be enabled or disabled togheter

I would go for one desktop file since there is only one plugin, which 
happen to provide two actions. Is there a need to have two entries in 
the plugin list?


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