[Kde-imaging] Making a smugmug export plugin
Colin Guthrie
gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Oct 8 11:35:29 CEST 2008
Andrea Diamantini wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 October 2008 19:09:57 Gilles Caulier wrote:
>> Andrea, Colin,
>> There is another subject relevant of export to web service plugins : the
>> way to embed remote content directly in kipi host application.
>> Try to use last Picasa beta 3 for Linux. When you want to use picasa web
>> from main interface, you can see remote albums in folder view as local
>> folders. When you select remote album, content is displayed in icon view.
>> This is exactly what i want to plan for the future.
>> This is want mean that picasaweb, flickr, gallery plugin dialogs will
>> disapears... if host can embed plugins...
>> This require to modify libkipi in the same way that i have improved the
>> digiKam image editor plugin interface to be able to embed plugin dialogs in
>> main view, using sidebar and widget stack:
>> http://www.digikam.org/drupal/node/370
>> Gilles Caulier
> uau!! Now I have a much more clear idea about what you are thinking about..
> that's really the right direction! And I'm really happy to work about that..
Indeed. For me the task is two fold:
1) Modifying kipi for better integration with hosts as per what Gilles
just said...
2) Creating a solid framework for syncronisation backends... that is a
common abstraction that allows us to interact with different services by
writing a simple layer to that services API. To do this we will need to
encapsulate the feature set of such services and ensure that we can
expose this in a generic way. I've looked at various libraries to do
this, including opensync and akonadi. For me, the most sensible one in
terms of KDEs involvement is akonadi, but as I say I've not fully
composed all my thoughts on this yet.
I'll try and do so over the coming weekend :)
Colin Guthrie
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