[Kde-imaging] Port IPodExport kipi-plugin to KDE4...

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Sun Nov 9 16:01:11 CET 2008

Seb Ruiz wrote:
>> But like I don't have an Ipod device here to test, final regression tests
>> must be done by you. Fine ?
> Sounds fine with me. Shouldn't be a huge task as the plugin is quite
> self contained. I might have to do some work bumping libgpod version,
> but this should be attainable.

Hmmm, /me smells some kind of solid + akonadi auto-integration to create 
the collections from iPods automagically... ;)

I still need to find more time to take the concept further. I will try 
and define the "item" class very soon and get a reasonable serialization 
worked out, and then I'll try porting one of the existing export plugins...



Colin Guthrie

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   Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
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