[Kde-imaging] thought by packaging...

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Fri Dec 12 23:21:52 CET 2008

Hi during these days, i've found time to think to
a problem i got before packaging my home :)
I mean the temporary directory used by some plugins.
It can't be deleted because plugins die before application, and
that mean it stays into our tmp for(ever) a long time.

Why can't we manage it somewhere into libkipi? I mean KTempDir
could be allocated by host application and passed to plugin in some way, at 
least that grants it survives with application itself.
I'm not the best libkipi hacker, but that should be technically possible.
I've tried quickly to put it into interface (a static attribute to preserve 
abi), but it didn't work as i expected. 
I can't go on testing by now-as you can imagine-, but what do you think about 
a possible solution in libkipi?

A +,   

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