[Kde-imaging] Proposed enhancement to KIPIPlugins::ImagesList

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Mon Dec 8 13:18:59 CET 2008

Gilles Caulier wrote:
> Aurélien,
> The widget is not planed to be moved in libkipi. It's only used in 
> kipi-plugins. There is no reason to sahre it with host applications or 
> the rest of KDE.
> In fact libikipi is just a low level library with KDE4. There is no i18n 
> relevant.

Ok, but at one point, libkipiplugins will get released and third-party 
plugin developers will link to it, no? At this point we will have to 
worry about BC. Why not start now?


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