[Kde-imaging] [RFC] libraries policy

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Wed Sep 12 10:04:42 CEST 2007

new libraries libkdcraw and libkexiv2 recall to me a problem 
we could have in the near future. Since kde 3.5 is the stable branch
and kde 4 is in trunk and developers go fast ;) we should pay attention
on the version we release, and in a particular manner to the version-info
(libtools stuff).

What I'm afraid for is that we could have an .so version that is equal or
compatible for both the systems -kde3 and kde4- and that could be a 

A simple and silly way could be to force to have a new release for kde-4, not back
compatible with the parameter "-release" [1]


[1] http://sourceware.org/autobook/autobook/autobook_91.html#SEC91
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