[Kde-imaging] releasing extragear

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Wed Oct 10 11:00:15 CEST 2007

> make sense?
Well yes if we think about a tag, no if we think that applications
should, but i do believe will, be always tagged older than
they are released. Sounds useless to me....

IIRC, in extragear ml some application mantianers said
they prefer to continue releasing by their own deadlines
so i can't see what can give more a common tarball...
I'm afraid distros could think to add extragear package
as they already do with other kde big packages and start
patching it to have applications up2date, hmm don't know
if i fully agree with that. An example? kmail and imap filters
it's almost impossible to have it working on a distro by now
and we should wait for the next kde release... or a patch from
some good distro packager....
OTH digikam, kipi.plugins,... can be released often and that could
help... But that is only my opinion of course and i do believe this
is not the right room where to talk about that ;)

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