[Kde-imaging] KIPI-Plugins 0.1.4-beta2 available for testing

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Thu Jun 21 11:47:15 CEST 2007

Alle mercoledì 20 giugno 2007, Valerio Fuoglio ha scritto:
> Patched with Rex patch, tested (for me it works)
> Link is the same:
> http://pub.thewally.it/kipi-plugins
> Let me hear ;)
If those are the only changes we've added, i believe we can officially release it.

There's a problem though, if you use svn2cl you need to add something
on its configuration scripts to avoid *SILENT into Changelog. 
Since it's not a common way to use it we can add a note on PACKAGING for that.


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