[Kde-imaging] [Bug 146601] New: Error during renaming of images being sent via email

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Sun Jun 10 23:15:02 CEST 2007

> This is a followup to Bug #140477, which is marked as resolved. I posted there also. 
> Two comments to new renaming ability of the "Emailing Images": 
> 1)  I think that the user should be able to turn this renaming on or off.
> There are times where I might not want to send the comments and would
> rather just have original file names. For example, some of my comments are 
> rather long and I'd rather have simple filenames or as in cases below.  I think this should
> be accomplished with a checkbox in the dialog.
> 2)  The kmail send fails with an error when comments have certain characters.  For
> example, I get an an error box when a "?" is in the comment.
> I am new to this mailing list - please let me know if I'm doing this wrong by creating a new bug for this. Thanks for a great program.

Hi Geoff,
even if I believe Michael will take care about it,
should be better to add two bug reports in a future.
The reason is they are two different problems, the first is
a wish, if I've understood correctly, and should be marked
as. The latter sounds like a bug to me, but in any case
they should have different kind of implementation and leave them 
together could make hard to follow which bug we're fixing and which
not yet.

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