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Fri Jun 1 01:13:06 CEST 2007
choose what level of exposure to things that they want," Keam said.
It's a loosely defined set of language and design constructs that make
it possible to fetch data asynchronously while displaying an HTML page.
The event however did highlight a major drawback of the Indian IT
scenario: the lack of entrepreneurs and product-based organizations in
the software space. Notice this is just a typical Java Persistence
entity object, and we just show it here for completeness of the example.
If you're a developer interested in using Google Gears with your
application, visit the Google Gears Developer Page. "NFC by itself
cannot protect against eavesdropping.
They rounded the border by overriding the paintBorder method on the
Swing component.
As the UIData component iterates through the list, each reference to
dataTableItem points to the current item in the list.
The demo used the Timing Framework to drive the animation and used the
Glass Pane to paint the animation.
And for insights on security coverage around the Web, take a look at
eWEEK's Security Watch blog.
The speaker talked about having your own mini-protocol to pass data and
instructions to the JVM, I would recommend you use a standard like JSON.
Mylar will change your life. If you are using Ubuntu Gutsy, just replace
feisty with gutsy in these two lines.
Wayne also mentioned Mylar. The APIs provide mechanisms to position to a
specified row index, and to retrieve an object that represents the data
that corresponds to the current row index.
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In particular the fundamental issue of bringing innovation that is
consumable and not disruptive, that customers expect from our business
process platform.
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