[Kde-imaging] libkexiv2 API: stupid questions

Achim Bohnet ach at mpe.mpg.de
Tue Jan 30 00:42:27 CET 2007


Sorry for the stupid questions in advance.
I had a look at libkexiv2.h and wondered why:

  o serveral class are prefixed with 'Lib'.  Qt and KDE
    never use 'Lib' for all classes in libraries.  So e.g.
    Kexiv2 instead of LibKexiv2.

  o enum ImageOrientation.  Isn't there a similar Qt enum
    that can be used here?

  o shouldn't be Iptc all capital (like GPS etc)

  o there's std::string getCommentsString().  For a Qt like
    lib, shouldn't this be QString getComment() (I assume comment
    implies a string so no need to have 'String' in method name and
    that it's only one comment not a list of comment(s))

  o Exiv2::Exifdatum can't the be a Q* object be used instead?

  o Both long and long int is used. Why not stick with one of them?

  o There are lots of method using/returning.  QByteArray and
    Exiv2::DataBuf, that sounds like an unstructred object. It's
    usage requires detail knowledge of data structed stored in
    those 'binary blobs'. Isn't there an Object that encapsulates
    this, so library users does not have to care about the setting
    byte by byte according to the specs?

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