[Kde-imaging] RFC: about 0.1.3 final

Colin Guthrie kde at colin.guthr.ie
Tue Jan 16 11:13:16 CET 2007

Angelo Naselli wrote:
> Alle 10:13, martedì 16 gennaio 2007, Caulier Gilles ha scritto:
>> I recommend to create something like that :
>> http://websvn.kde.org/branches/kipi-plugins/"my experimental implementation 
>> folder name"
> Yes but we can take it as it is by now, I'll check if we have some problems
> packaging and let you know (but i trust Col has tested it).

Well I'm happy to move it if needs be (easy enough in SVN... CVS would
have been a different story!!).

I've tested "make dist" in the higher level "libs" folder but I'm
guessing that is not what's used when making release tarballs? If you
can explain or point to a URL explaining I can test more.



|     Colin Guthrie      |
| kde(at)colin.guthr.ie  |
| http://colin.guthr.ie/ |

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