[Kde-imaging] RFC: about 0.1.3 final

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Tue Jan 16 09:38:47 CET 2007

by the end of this week, or the early days of next one I'd like to close this
release. I don't know if i find the time this week end though.

I should tell i18n group the release date, but first I need to know
which is the bko point. By now I cannot fill a table in which I recall you 
the status, I hope you can tell me first. I'll try to do it tonight
or tomorrow. IIRC there were a few bugs concerning crahses,
and one could have been already fixed (html export) that needs
a comment by Aurélien.
How about the sendimage one (not a crashing one though)?

If some of you have time to fill a better bug report table don't
hesitate to do it :)

Waiting for comments,
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