[Kde-imaging] Unified sync plugin (Was: [Bug 138838] Digikam Picasaweb export plugin)

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Sun Jan 14 22:38:59 CET 2007

Alle 19:00, domenica 14 gennaio 2007, Colin Guthrie ha scritto:
> Frank Siegert wrote:
> > ,---- Colin Guthrie wrote:
> > | That sounds like a good idea. I see no reason why the "unified sync plugin"
> > | has to be restricted to Web APIs. Exporting to any KIO sounds like a pretty
> > | fair use and would allow e.g. a nice sync to a gallery folder for use in
> > | MythGallery or similar (I was planning on wiring up MythGallery to
> > | phpgallery at some point but there's more than one way to skin a cat as
> > | they say!).
> > 
> > thanks for your answer. If we wanted to include KIO targets into the "unified 
> > sync plugin", we'd first have to decide, how much the sync targets have in 
> > common (UI and coding wise).
> > 
> > From my (current, but not fixed!) point of view, that's not really much. So I 
> > would suggest a wizard, which has a first page about the decision, what to 
> > sync, e.g. Gallery, flickr, picasaweb, KIO directory, ... .
> Yes I had envisaged something similar but more from a pre-configure
> point of view, kinda like how you configure email accounts in a mail client.
> Host applications woudl then hook in at the album and picture level to
> allow "Sync Options..." menu entries to allow the selection of a Sync
> Target for each album. Individual images could be excluded from the sync
> (incase they are not suitible for your mum etc.!).
> I'd like to see the host applications support this kind of export for
> "dynamic albums" (e.g. Tags or Searches in Digikam) too which would make
> the whole system very flexible but requires some more abstraction in the
> libkipi interface first (these changes have been discussed previously on
> this list but we've not actually made much in the way of progress on them).
> I would then see a generic command that would "Perform all Syncs" with
> options to sync at startup/shutdown automatically too. This would not be
> interactive but would just pop up a dialog that showed progress of the
> various "syncs" you had defined.
> I was also hoping to eventually include some of Seb's work on the
> ipodexport plugin to include ipods as a possible sync target too.
> > Do you already have any code for the framework? Because I just discovered the 
> > greatness of Qt/KDE programming, and would like to code something ;-)
> No I don't as of yet. I didn't really want to commit anything as there
> has been a new release hanging over us for a while so I don't want to
> break things.
> I think I'll svn cp the galleryexport folder to a "sync" folder and
> start working on that. It can exist happily in svn and never be referred
> to in the Makefile.am file so that it shouldn't get in the way of a
> release... is this OK to do Angelo? WDYT?
Well You've already done it ;) Anyway yes that could be ok, we're keeping
imagesgallery yet...

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