[Kde-imaging] can someone test this? --->Sendimages

Michael Hoechstetter michael.hoechstetter at gmx.de
Thu Jan 4 09:39:33 CET 2007

My current work tries to avoid problems with special characters inside the 
image names by renaming them before push it to thunderbird.

It already works fine if thunderbird is already launched. Do you now how i can 
recognize if thunderbird is already running? something like a "ps -aux | grep 
thunderbird" inside c++ or qt? 
I am using kubuntu with thunderbird 1.5.


Am Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2007 09:15 schrieb Tom Albers:
> Hi,
> Without even knowing which version of kipi (he filed it originallly agains
> libkipi), we can not even be sure this bug has not been resolved. I've
> fixed similar issues in the past.
> Then there is also a possibility that the naming of the images contains
> characters that are not appreciated by the plugin.
> Then there is also the possibility that thunderbird changed a parameter, so
> we need to know which thunderbird version.
> So no priority untill we have some more info ;-)
> Toma

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