[Kde-imaging] about libkdcraw packaging

Caulier Gilles caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Wed Feb 21 07:33:56 CET 2007

Le mardi 20 février 2007 22:48, Achim Bohnet a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've started to prepare a debian/kubuntu pkgs today
> did run into the following questions:
> /usr/bin/kdcraw:
> Is it the plan to keep the CLI interface stable or
> is this just the helper binary used by the library?

The interface will be changed only if a dcraw.c update need it. In fact thos 
depending of change on dcraw command line options. Normally, the options 
compatibility must be respected, but this is not the case with dcraw. For 
example, between 8.41 and 8.42 an option have changed completly of scence !

This is the problem with dcraw author. Image with all script witch use dcraw : 
it a nightmare...

> If the latter kdcraw is better moved to /usr/lib/libkdcraw0
> with 0 the API version of the lib.  We need the 0 here so several
> libkdcraw.so.<major> can be installed in parallel.
> And in this case we need no kdcraw.1 manpage too, because
> the binary is an implementation detail ;)  

the manpage is for me, for future update of dcraw.c, to compare command line 
options. If you want uninstall the man page, fine for me and fix the 
Makefile.am, but do not remove the file from svn.

> More details 
> at
> http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/libpkg-guide.html#id22
>9862 which really worth reading.
> /usr/share/icons/hicolor/<size>/apps/kdcraw.png:
> afaik icons there are related to applications.  But
> there no .desktop file (kdcraw is cli after all ;)
> So should the icons be put below
> 	/usr/share/apps/libkdcraw0/icons/...
> 	/usr/share/icons/hicolor/<size>/actions/kdcraw.png
> instead in case they are used by the widgets?

Yes, it will be used by widget and by digiKam later into setup dialog.


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