[Kde-imaging] extragear/libs/kipi-plugins

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Fri Sep 22 11:20:10 CEST 2006

Alle 09:35, venerdì 22 settembre 2006, Gilles Caulier ha scritto:
> Seb,
> On my computer, i have installed current stable libgpod and .configure said 
> taht all is ok. Of course, i cannot compile the plugin because we need the 
> current svn implementation of libgpod.
That isn't good imo, how can we release a new version if strongly depends
on an svn version of a library?
Isn't it possible to have a back compatibility, at least with the last stable?

When we write a plugin, imho, we should think that the plugins have  
to be run into a stable machine in a stable distro, at least usually :).


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