[Kde-imaging] kipi-plugins : Current SVN compilation under KDE 3.3

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Wed Oct 18 14:28:56 CEST 2006

Alle 13:50, mercoledì 18 ottobre 2006, Loïc Brarda ha scritto:
thanks, for your report and patches you provided.
> I'm trying to compile the current SVN kipi-plugins under a variant of
> RedHat Enterprise Linux 4, which uses KDE 3.3.1.
WOW I hadn't expected kipi-plugins in enterprise :)

If I understood well there are two problems one
in gallery export (Col can you have a look at it please?)
and HTML export (Aurélien can you chek it please?)
> I hope this will help.
Yes thanks.

BTW a better way to, is to add a bug report in bugzilla
and, if you have it, provide the patch. In such a way
we can have a better way to remind ourselves what to do
than the mailing list ;)


P.S. for dev. which is the last KDE version we maintain?
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