[Kde-imaging] Good job

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Thu May 4 23:24:24 CEST 2006

Alle 22:45, giovedì 4 maggio 2006, Aurelien Gateau ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I haven't been very active these last days (a baby is a good way to burn spare 
> time :-) ). I just wanted to say good job to Angelo and Gilles.

Hi Aurélien

thanks to all, well I have to admit Gilles gave a big contribute this week!
But I don't want to say more since i owe him a beer... a Guinness right?
The packages are almost finished, I'm going to upload them all again and those
are the release candidate ones to rc2. So it's not time for celebration yet.
Let's wait a couple of days, but this time if nothing goes wrong we will :)

Aurélien I removed imagegallery from Makefile.am after the release if 
you think it's time you could remove the files and if there aren't
objection of course...

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