[Kde-imaging] About the incoming release (0.1.0-rc2)

Achim Bohnet ach at mpe.mpg.de
Tue May 2 09:29:57 CEST 2006

On Monday 01 May 2006 19:02, Angelo Naselli wrote:
> Hi,
> first of all apologize to you for my absence in this week-end,
> I spent it with my family.

Hi Angelo,

IMHO no need to apologize.  Hope you had a very nice time!

> Now here is what i think we can do since we couldn't fix all 
> the bugs at least the critical ones. I can upload the new version
> as it is in the next couple of days. I've already built a tar.bz2
> but i'd like to test it first (well I can rebuild again if someone 
> would like to add something else of course :) ). 

Please post a download URL so others can test (builds) too.
I at least would like to check that buildir!=srcdir works ;)

> That has:
> * a lot of fixing (I added some on changelog)

Not sure if this is the general accepted/used way

o ChangeLog is a list of svn commit msgs  (a script is at e.g.
  see stable/extragear/graphics/digikam/release_digikam_cl.sh)

o NEWS contains selected fixes and highlights of the release
  that can be cut & pasted for the announcement e-mail.

FWIW: I tend to have forgoten the revision used for a release 
when I have to svn copy to tags/.  So I added to digikam_release.rb

`export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8; svn info #{name} | egrep '^Last Changed (Rev|Date):' > RELEASE.rev`

> * new html export plugin
> * a wrong side effect to have images gallery export yet and
>   all the plugins that depend on it don't use new plugin yet.
> * 3 critical bugs (one probably invalid).
> This solution could mean we should think to have a rc3 before
> final, at least to test better new plugin interaction (at least
> I believe).
> OTOH we can wait a week and hope we'll fix all the bugs and
> remove images gallery export.

Release early, release often.  So I would vote for rc2 + rc3

> Angelo
> P.S. I built also libkexif-0.2.3.tar.bz2  and libkipi-0.1.3.tar.bz2
> since I don't know if there are changes from last release, let me 
> know if it isn't needed.

Heh, RELEASE.rev could be useful there too ;)  Last libk* annoucement
I found was from Sep last year. So this should give a overview of

	svn log -r {2005-09-25}:HEAD   libkipi
	svn log -r {2005-09-25}:HEAD   libkexif

Libkexif has some meomor ;)
If they can be fixed this week. I would say wait. Otherwisey/bug fixes and libkipi build fixes.
So IMHO both worth a new release.

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