[Kde-imaging] NEWS file how to

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Tue Dec 5 22:35:47 CET 2006

into last libkipi release i didn't (as usual) add any news in NEWS file,
I believe I have to eat more fish and improve my memory (well
maybe a good hardware seller could be ok either ;) ).

Anyway the way we're using with kipi-plugins, e.g.
any important commits, either a new feature or a bug fixed should mean
add an entry into NEWS file, should be used also into libkipi.
In such a way I can esasy get info to put into the release notes and into
the release mail.

Thanks for that,

P.S. Gilles I tried to get libkipi changes from Changelog, but to be honest I haven't
understood much, can you be so kind to add some more info concerning the current
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