[Kde-imaging] extragear/libs/kipi-plugins/ipodexport

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Mon Dec 4 23:18:55 CET 2006

> Angelo, there is another problem in beta1 package. Look last message reported 
> here :
> http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=16061
Great! How can we have more feed backs if we don't release and how can
we release if we don't have feed backs?
Just a guess... lost.

Anyway it builds here (mandriva 2007 gcc 4.1.1)
Ok let's try to fix all we can and release a new one. 

BTW, can you test mpeg encoder gui, I need to know if it isn't ok
only on my system or not.

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