[Kde-imaging] KIPI Plugin Debugging

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Wed Aug 2 09:58:48 CEST 2006

Alle 04:23, mercoledì 2 agosto 2006, Mark Asselstine ha scritto:
> Hi Guys,
> I am in the process of setting up my build environment to build a new KIPI
> plugin. I am using KDevelop 3.2.0 as this is my preferred IDE to do KDE
> development in. I have the project all setup and ready to go but have one
> last hurdle I can't seem to figure out, debugging. I setup KDevelop to run
> Digikam in order to debug my plugin. I am able to set and hit breakpoints no
> problem but every time I start to debug I have to hit the continue button
> many times. Basically gdb is stopping each time a new thread is spawned (one
> for each plugin and lots more). Needless to say this is very annoying. For
> now I find it easier to start Digikam by myself and "Attach to Process" to
> get debugging.
hmm perhaps I don't get what you mean, anyway you know kipi plugins are libraries
don't you? So to debug them you should compile them and your host application
in debug mode (--enable-debug=full) and then debug your host application.

> I suspect there are a few kipi plugin authors here. How did you overcome
> this issue?
Finding an Author? As far as I I know they're still alive :) 

> I appreciate the help,
Try that, compile and install all in your home, use kbuildsycoca
and debug your host application, or use kdDebug instead....

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