[Kde-imaging] Re: Digikam

Benjamin Piwowarski bpiwowar at dcc.uchile.cl
Thu Mar 10 14:25:23 CET 2005

>>>and to build a proper "web gallery" manager to it: 
>>>in this way, multiple web sites & galleries with specific properties
>>>(user access, style) can managed.
>FWIW:  There are many (KDE) web gallery application out there.
>Implementing all you want if not a small programming task.  So
>I would suggest to check if an existing application fits your
>need an try to integrate via a kipi-pluigin.
>Of course what to it's your choice and important is that you have
>fun.  Keep us informed and welcome on (kipi) board.
I know there is a lot of existing galleries generators. But I would like 
this one to be tightly integrated to digikam; the idea would be to have 
persistent folders - each base folder representing a web server. The 
hierarchy within a web server would be a hierarchy of galleries, where 
each setting can be overwritten.
Photos could be put in a gallery just by drag & drop. Photos could be 
shared between galleries and it could even be a support for seach (on 
tags, etc.). Changes on photos/galleries could be automatically detected 
and web sites would be automatically updated.
I am not sure if it can be developped as a kipi plugin nor if such a 
project exists (I didn't find it on the web).


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