[Kde-imaging] flickr upload kipi plugin

Nathan Bradshaw nathanlbradshaw at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 19:25:29 CEST 2005

Hi all, I've been working on a kipi plugin that will implement a
number of the operations that the flickr photo blog site makes
available through their APIs.

At present I've nearly finished file uploading for one or more
selected images. Just need to put some password management and a few
other finishing touches and it's ready to go. Then I want  to start on
some of the other things like querying tags, descriptions etc from
flickr for uploaded images etc and providing some kind of sync service
between kipi using apps (I'm coming at this as a digikam  user FWIW)
and flickr.

I'd like to know what to do next? I've just been working on a copy of
the source d/l'd from the kde extra gear page, I don't have a
subversion account or anything. How should I go about making this
thing available and getting it tested etc? This is my first OSS
project (and also first c++ in a longish time) so I'm not exactly sure
on how these things get done.

On a personal note, I'm loving the work done in KDE these days and it
feels good to hopefully be able to contribute even a little something
back (and scratch an itch).


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