[Kde-imaging] Some questions...

Renchi Raju renchi at pooh.tam.uiuc.edu
Fri Jun 18 16:00:00 CEST 2004

On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Renchi Raju wrote:

> > On Friday 18 June 2004 14:45, Craig Drummond wrote:
> > | 6. I've created a small app for the removal of
> > | hot-pixels. This is a fairly simple wrapper around the
> > | jpegpixi program. I'd like to convert this to be a
> > | kipi-plugin. jpegpixi works on the raw-jpeg data, and
> > | avoids re-compressing the image when saving. Will kipi
> > | allow access to the raw image data? Or would my plugin
> > | have to re-read the file? If the plugin has to re-read
> > | the file, is there any point to having this as a
> > | plugin? What I'd really like is to be able to modify
> > | the raw data, inform the host-app of this (so the
> > | image can be updated), then the user can view the
> > | results before saving. So ideally I'd like the
> > | host-app to pass my plugin the raw data, and a QImage
> > | (so that I can check for the existance of hot-pixels
> > | on the real image).
> > We discussed this some time ago, but never got to a conclusion I think.
> > Aurelien do you remember.
> > I think it stranded on digikam not using QImage.
> if you want raw jpeg data, you will have to read the file itself. QImage
> does not give you raw jpeg data, it gives you the decoded image. you will
> have to implement the file open/save functions yourself in the plugin.

oh wait, i read your mail more carefully and i see that you want both the
raw data and the qimage. i don't know of any imageviewer application which
keeps a file (local or remote) open. most (and all that i know of) get the file
(either locally or through kioslave), load it up and then close it. so, i
guess you will have to do the file opening/closing yourself. and if you
are going to do that, it doesn't make much sense to request a qimage from
the app, you might as well load it up also into the plugin qimage.


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