[Kde-imaging] Hello List. :-)

Karl-Heinz Zimmer khz at kde.org
Thu Jun 3 14:39:13 CEST 2004

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Hi all,

just wanted to say hello and tell you why I entered this list.

Recently my son and I published a little program we developed to help
my brother and his wife: they need to show their OpenOffice Impress
presentations on several machines at work where there is no OpenOffice

So we decided to make IndeView ( http://www.indeview.org ) to enable
them to run a little viewer starying from their presentation CD without
the need of former installing it on the target computer.

Of course we simultaneously made the KPresenter module, so we can do
the same with KPresenter presentations...

While IndeView is still in a very early state it is useful for a few
people already: it can show _static_ images without moving parts only
but of course more features are planned...  :-)

Next will be two little extra projects:

1. IndeView export for KimDaBa.

2. KIndeView - a little
   "convert these image files into an IndeView presentation" tool
   to be developed during the KDE coding marathon.

Besides from that IndeView (the Viewer) also will be enhanced to
support more of the most needed ;-) features like slide transition
effects and sounds...  seems that a lot of people like eye candy
and sounds, so why not.

- -- 
Karl-Heinz         <mailto:khz at indeview.org>        <mailto:khz at kde.org>
  Zimmer                I n d e V i e w                    K D E
  Föhren       Presentations Beyond Limitations     Conquer your Desktop
www.fiehr.de            www.indeview.org                www.kde.org
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