[Kde-i18n-vi] Dr Jerry Katzman - Does Omega 3 Help Prevent Against Cancer? - drjerrykatzman.com

paul.kholer paul.kholer paul.kholer at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 21:23:34 CET 2007

Dr Jerry Katzman - Does Omega 3 Help Prevent Against Cancer

The introduction of daily supplements of fish oil and Omega-Three Fatty
Acids is also linked to improved mental health. There is research that
suggests daily fish oil supplements can reduce the symptoms of depression,
anxiety, and other mental issues. Omega-Three Fatty Acids have been proven
to help improve brain function, alertness, and memory retention making fish
oil supplements an excellent tool for those who have Alzheimer's Disease or
have been dealing with memory loss due to old age. For the young, there is
new research suggesting that ADHD may be treated by fish oil supplements.


Cancer is a common problem in today's society. As scary as it may seem, and
it is very frightening to many, there is evidence suggesting that daily
supplements of Omega-Three Fatty Acids can help keep cancerous cells from
overtaking healthy cells. Regular use of fish oil supplements in some study
groups have shown decreased incidents of breast, colon, and prostate cancer
diagnoses. It also appears that Omega-Three Fatty Acids have the ability to
kill off some cancerous cells.

Fish oil supplements may also help improve eyesight. Regular use of fish oil
supplements may improve blood flow throughout the body. Cases of Macular
degeneration and Dry Eye syndrome have both shown significant improvements
in people who take daily supplements that include Omega-Three Fatty Acids.
In fact, there is increasing evidence that fish oil supplements may be far
better for your vision than beta-carotene.

Fish oil supplements are easy to take and essential to your health. Not only
can they help alleviate conditions you may be experiencing, but they can
help prevent some negative health issues in the future. With so many
benefits and no harmful side effects in many, there is no reason to avoid
taking them.
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