[Kde-i18n-pt_br] Returned mail: User unknown

Mail Delivery System admin em rig.alianca.com.br
Sábado Novembro 13 02:26:29 CET 2004

The original message was received Fri, 12 Nov 2004 22:26:17 -0300
from -

   ----- The following address(es) had permanent fatal errors -----
<aee3001853b00>; originally to aee3001853b00 (unrecoverable error)
  	The recipient 'aee3001853b00' is unknown
-------------- Próxima Parte ----------
Uma mensagem embutida foi limpa...
De: kde-i18n-pt_br em mail.kde.org
Assunto: morto
Data: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 22:30:29 -0200
Tam: 468
Url: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-i18n-pt_br/attachments/20041112/35044829/attachment.mht 

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