[Kde-i18n-pt_br] My firdt message

Renato Marques Alvim Neto renatoalvim em ig.com.br
Quinta Fevereiro 21 23:19:01 CET 2002

Glad to meet you.
I'm from Brazil, land of many Linux  
My distrib. is Conectiva Linux, from Brazil, a RedHat-like one...
As you can see, my English is too bad and poor.
I apologize for it.
Well, as you can imagine, I'm in trouble...
It's about Java and Java scripts on Konkeror, may favourite browser.
I have tried for weeks to solve this problem, but it still remains
borrowing me...
Please, point your browsers to :
It has menu pop-ups, but not in Konkeror.
Netscape, Mozilla, Galeon...OK
Why is this happen?
Some sugestion.
I hope so, hehe...


[ ]'s
Renato Alvim - membro da BSGI (nam-myo-ho-rengue-kyo)
Registered Linux User #114620 - Debian2.2 e CL7.0 - UIN 83730368

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